Vision of Stewardship
From our creation, God calls all of us to the ministry of stewardship. As stewards, God gives us the task of taking care of the earth and all that is in it, including our time, talents, gifts, service, and witness. At Williamson’s Chapel UMC we covenant with God and others in this work though the ministry of the local church and the wider United Methodist denomination. We understand that we serve a God of abundance who has provided what all people need to live faithfully and that we God calls on us to share with one another for the good of all creation. The generosity of God in Jesus Christ guides our stewardship as we give and serve generously and faithfully. We invite you to be part of how God is changing lives and changing the world through our faithful and generous stewardship.
Get Connected to Finance
If you have questions, need more information, or would like to set up specific donations, please contact Linda Thyne at lindathyne@willchapumc.org or fill out the form and she will be in touch with you shortly.