Care & Support

The word "community" brings about images in our minds of family, love, care and support - all of which belong in a church, in a community of faith.  Community ministries is a broad area that includes social groups, congregational care, prayer ministries, bereavement meals, and support groups such as GriefShare and DivorceCare. Community and caring for one another is biblical and very much a part of what it means to be the church. Therefore, through these ministries, we strive to build relationships and offer care and support to all in our family and even those beyond our walls.

Make plans now to join us for the following events ...

United Methodist Men's Breakfast
Sunday, April 6th @ 8am in the Fellowship Hall
EverReady's Senior Adult Lunch Fellowship
Tuesday, April 1st @ 11 am in the Fellowship Hall
($10 suggested donation)
RSVP to Connie Poore by Friday, March 28th if you plan to attend

Community Groups

Congregational Care

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry

  • Card Team Ministry

  • Prayer Chain

  • Visitation Teams

  • Meal Teams

Support Ministry

  • DivorceCare

  • GriefShare

  • Stephen Ministry

  • Act of Love : End of Life Planning Booklet

  • Recovery Groups

Get Connected to Care & Support

If you would like to get connect to any of the ministries or programs for Care & Support, please contact Rev. Mark Pitts at or fill out the form in full and he will be in touch with you.