Financial Focus

The financial information below provides a monthly view of our financial health as we progress through the year.  The comparison of receipts to expenditures indicates whether or not our spending is covered by current year income, and the available cash reserves balance shows the impact of the related cash flow.  The pie chart provides a gauge of how giving to the General Fund compares to the giving goal.  This giving goal is established each year through the annual budgeting process to support the planned program and operational activities of Williamson's Chapel. 

One of the primary goals of the Financial Ministry team at Williamson's Chapel is to provide transparency and access to our financial information. The most reliable snapshots of financial progress we can offer are comparisons to goals and prior year results. For those who want a more in-depth view, we also include periodic highlights of certain aspects of the financial structure of our church. If you would like additional financial information, please contact us as noted below.

How & Where to Give

When you give to the missions and ministries of the church, you can designate where you'd like your giving to be allocated. Below is some information that could be helpful as you determine your gift to the ministries and missions of Williamson's Chapel UMC:

  • General Fund

  • Missions Fund

If you want to go beyond the support provided to the primary funds, you can provide support to specific areas of need through special gifts to one of our special ministries funds including Pastors Discretionary Fund, Worship, Arts, & Music Fund, Cemetery Fund, Building Fund, Emerging Missions & Outreach Fund, or Scholarship Fund.

If you’re looking to donate via mail, please use the address:
575 Brawley School Road, Mooresville, NC 28117

    • You can make a one-time online gift by clicking HERE which will redirect you to our online giving form.

    • You can also make a one-time online gift by visiting our mobile church app and utilizing the "Give" button.

    •  You can schedule weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual contributions through your online financial institution Bill Pay option, and your check will be mailed directly to us based on the schedule you establish.  Please use the following mailing address:
                Williamson's Chapel UMC, 575 Brawley School Rd., Mooresville NC 28117

    • You can also set up recurring donations through our CCB system, using your CCB Login, by authorizing a scheduled auto-draft from your  bank account or credit card.  If you wish to set up a login account in CCB, you can follow the CCB link on the website to request a login, or you can contact Linda Thyne for assistance.

    • You can donate cash by placing it in the offering plate on Sunday.  If you wish for your donation to be included on your giving statement, please place cash into an offering envelope, and be sure to include both your First and Last Name on the envelope.  If you are new to Williamson's Chapel, please also include your mailing address on the envelope.

    • You can donate by writing a check payable to WCUMC, and either place it in the offering plate on Sunday, drop it off at the Church Office, or mail it to us.  Please use the following mailing address:
      Williamson's Chapel UMC, 575 Brawley School Rd., Mooresville, NC 28117

  • If you are 70½ and older, and you are required to take a minimum distribution from your IRA, you may want to consider making a Qualified Charitable Distribution. The current tax laws allows individuals to make IRA distributions payable directly to a qualified charity, such as Williamsons Chapel, without treating the distribution as taxable income to the individual. If you must take a Required Minimum Distribution, but don’t need the entire amount, please consider gifting it to the Church as part of your annual support. This would potentially save you in taxes and would certainly benefit the church.

    Please note that a Qualified Charitable Distribution is different than taking your Required Minimum Distribution, and then making a personal contribution to the church with the proceeds (this triggers an income taxable event for you). Under the Qualified Charitable Distribution rules, the distribution amount, up to $100,000, is not reported as income, which lowers your adjusted gross income, which has several possible tax advantages. To qualify for this income tax provision, you must have your IRA custodian send the distribution directly to Williamson’s Chapel; it cannot pass through your hands or it will trigger an income taxable event for you.

    And it is important to note that the amount distributed to the charity is not limited to the Required Minimum Distribution amount for the year, nor does the entire Required Minimum Distribution need to be gifted under a Qualified Charitable Distribution. You are able to gift a portion of the Required Minimum Distribution, and then receive the remaining portion for your personal use.

    If you have questions about how to execute this gift transaction, please contact Susan Cothern at the United Methodist Foundation of Western North Carolina at (888) 450-1956 ext. 1507 or email her at and / or contact your personal income tax or financial advisor to help you through the process.

    IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: (1) it cannot pass through your hands or it will be treated as taxable income, and (2) when you gift it directly to the church, you cannot include the amount in your itemized deduction by claiming it as a charitable contribution (since you are not being taxed on the income).

    • You can establish a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Donor Advised Fund (DAF).  Please contact your financial advisor to determine how to do this.

    • You may be able to initiate giving through your employer's payroll deduction program for charitable gifts.  Please contact your employer's payroll department to determine how to do this. 

    • Your employer may also have a matching gift program where they may match part, or all of your gifts to Williamson's Chapel.  Please contact your employer's payroll department and inquire about their matching gift program.

  • Donating assets such as stocks, certain bonds, or mutual funds are always welcomed. Please contact our financial administrator for more information about how to transfer these types of assets to WCUMC.

  • Giving in the future is also a wonderful way to ensure the ministries of the church have the resources needed by giving through wills, estates, and trusts. Please contact your estate planner for more information on how you can provide for future ministry needs through this type of gift.

  • Year-End Tax Deductible Contributions
    As the end of the calendar year approaches, many of you will choose to make last minute contributions.  Please note, if you wish to claim a contribution as a deduction in the current tax year, the IRS requires the contribution to be effectively received by December 31, by midnight.  Effective receipt occurs either when a contribution is physically received at the church by that time, or when a contribution is dated, mailed, and post-marked in December, but received by the church in January.

    Cash Contributions
    For those who prefer to make cash contributions, to ensure your contribution is properly credited, please remember to put your full name (first & last name) on the offering envelope.  We have many families with the same last name, so it is impossible to know which family the cash contribution should be credited to when only the last name is provided.

    Mailing Address Update
    To help us as we prepare for the mailing of giving statements (your tax record of giving), if you have moved during the year, please call the church office at 704-664-3680, or access your account on Church Community Builder (CCB), to update your mailing address.

    If you have questions about a contribution, please contact our Financial Administrator, Linda Thyne at, or 704-664-3680 x223.

Get Connected to Finance

If you have questions, need more information, or would like to set up specific donations, please contact Linda Thyne at or fill out the form and she will be in touch with you shortly.