United Women in Faith (UWF)

The The United Methodist Women are now the United Women in Faith. At Williamson’s Chapel,we have three active circles… Circle 3, Hope Circle, and Grace Circle. We welcome all ladies who have a heart for service and mission work. If you are interested in joining, please contact Sharon Furr sharonm.furr@gmail.com for more information.

  • Agape Circle

    Agape Circle is our newest circle. We are a group of women, primarily of preschool and school age children seeking to serve in mission within our church and community. We support Bridge of Hearts.

    Meetings: First Sunday of each month

    Location at the church following Fuel Your Family dinner.

    Arden Eller
    (704) 770-7656

  • Hope Circle

    Hope Circle is a community of mission-driven women of all ages. We meet monthly at members’ homes to pray, plan mission projects, and celebrate our Acres of Hope ‘son,’ Issa. We have added a book club component to our meetings, enjoying a salad bar meal and discussion. We are currently exploring new ways to serve in our community and would love to have new sisters join us and share their passions for service. We participate in the Wednesday evening meals and Youth Sundays by cooking, serving, and providing desserts. This is not your mama’s church circle. We love the Lord, but also each other, and having a good time is important as well.

    Meetings: Second Monday of the month at 6:00 PM (except summer months)

    Location: Members’ homes

    Dawn Snyder
    (704) 902-4449

  • Circle Three

    Circle Three is composed of professional, mostly retired women who meet nine months a year. Each month, we support a different mission - HealthReach Medical Clinic, Dove House, Bright Blessings, Community Pregnancy Center, Prison Match of NC, Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child, and Men’s Homeless Shelter. We also make UMCOR hygiene kits throughout the year. We support our missionaries by sending them birthday cards and our shut-ins by sending cards monthly. Circle Three sponsors a child from Acres of Hope.

    Meetings: Second Monday of the month at 3:00 PM (except summer months)

    Location: Room B201 at Williamson’s Chapel UMC

    Coming Soon

  • Grace Circle

    Grace Circle welcomes ladies of all ages and stages of their life journey, from young mothers to working women to retired ladies. Our circle supports many local agencies, including Christian Mission, Hope of Mooresville, and Bridge of Hearts. This year’s activities include volunteering as a circle at Christian Mission to stock their food pantry and sort and organize their resource store. We created Easter Mother’s Day gifts for the children and moms at Hope of Mooresville and organized an evening at Bridge of Hearts, where we joined fellow UWFs from other Methodist Churches for an evening volunteer session once a year. In August we held a Welcome Back breakfast for the staff at Park View Elementary School. In December, we have a Christmas social and ornament exchange. We sponsor a child at Acres of Hope and participate in many local and global UWF mission projects. We serve and provide desserts at the Wednesday night dinners twice a year to raise funds for our mission work.

    Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM

    Location: Area restaurants

    Linda Morris
    (704) 351-6086