How to Donate
When you give to the missions and ministries of the church, you can designate where you'd like your giving to be allocated. Below is some information that could be helpful as you determine your gift to the ministries and missions of Williamson's Chapel UMC:
General Fund
Missions Fund
Want to Do More?
If you want to go beyond the support provided to the primary funds, you can provide support to specific areas of need through special gifts to one of our special ministries funds including Pastors Discretionary Fund, Worship, Arts, & Music Fund, Cemetery Fund, Emerging Missions & Outreach Fund, Scholarship Fund.
Recurring Gifts
Recurring Gift Instructions
Get Connected to Finance
For IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions, Charitable Giving Programs & Gifts, Donation of Securities, Future Gifts (Wills, Estates & Trusts) and End of Year Giving Notes, please contact Linda Thyne, Finance Director, at