Witness Ministry

The Witness Ministry of Williamson's Chapel wants to equip you to be a faithful and effective witness right where you live. That's why we are encouraging you to take some tangible steps to love your neighbor. We want to challenge you to come up with a creative way to bring your neighborhood together through love and hospitality. Click the image on the right to download a pamphlet that will help you get started on the path to being a witness for Christ. You will also learn there about some of the resources we are offering to support your efforts.

The Simple Ways to Witness document offers simple and easy ideas for incorporating witness into everything you do (click the image to download). We encourage you to pray about how you can be a witness in your everyday life. 

Click the button below to download a pamphlet that will help you get started on the path to being a witness for Christ. You will also learn there about some of the resources we are offering to support your efforts.