Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.
Luke 6:38 NIV
Impact Statements
Carrie Wright - Music and Worship Arts
This year has been an incredible year of rebuilding in the music and arts area of WCUMC. With such generous giving and commitment from the congregation we have been able to re-organize and upgrade many of our systems and processes in order to make worship even more dynamic and vibrant. We have used our portion of the budgeted monies to upgrade the entire livestream process which now reaches people all up and down the eastern side of the United States and beyond. We have upgraded our instruments, paid a consultant to help us remap our entire sound system, added to our Holy Week experience by the choir leading John Rutters Requiem and soon we will be performing Handel’s Messiah, allowing the Word of God to reach many in our community who might find their place through that work in worship this Advent. We are able to purchase creative design supplies bringing life and energy to the services and we have the music/technology available now to connect many new members of our praise team, kids choirs, handbells, and chancel choir. We are grateful for the gifts of the congregation and look forward to all the ways we can dream to worship and serve God through the arts next year.
Your Gifts Make A Difference
Giving is foundational to everything we do as a church. Your gifts, through tithing, special gifts, honorariums, and memorials truly make a difference to our church, our community and the Kingdom.
God's Plan For Giving
Here at Williamson's Chapel, we encourage people to consider "proportional giving" in response to the way that God is blessing them. This means that we give a set percentage of what we receive to God's work in our world. When we receive or earn more, we give more. When we receive or earn less, we give less. BUT our faithfulness remains the same. The Bible teaches this kind of giving when it calls for the Tithe (a tenth) and assures God's people that when we give this way, God will bless our obedience. However much you give, we encourage you to give prayerfully. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Toni Ruth or Pastor Wes.