Prayer & Healing Service | Monday, September 11 @ 7pm | Chapel
This is a service of worship with hymns, scripture focus and meditation. It includes sharing and celebrating past healings, current needs and concerns, and making space for God to heal in His time, will, and way. All are invited to be prayed for and/or to pray for others.
Mess to Mission
Peter is one of the most relatable figures in the Bible. We can all find our own journey in the contours of Peter’s journey from fisherman to follower, rock of the church to impediment, denier to redeemed, speechless to proclaimer of the Gospel. As God took Peter from a mess to mission, God can take us and transform us as we commit to the life long Journey of Christian faith.
Join us for worship this Sunday!
Calling all youth and young adults!
Calling all youth and young adults! We are in need of camera men and women for the 9:30am Modern Worship Service. No prior experience needed. Rising 6th graders and older are invited to join the team. Each volunteer will be assigned one sunday a month to serve.
Contact Pastor Carrie or Carter Ryan to volunteer.
Sunday Worship Times
What to Expect