
Sunday Live Worship | 9:30am (modern) & 11am (traditional)


Another Creative Way to Give!

umcshopIf you do a lot of shopping online, join the UMC Market to Shop 2 Donate by clicking on the icon to the left, and choose "Williamson's Chapel Mooresville" as your church/organization. Then, shop one of the hundreds of stores through this gateway website to have a percentage of your purchases at participating stores automatically donated to our church. It is easy, free, and is a great way to donate to the church through online shopping.

How to Give

All giving is in response to God who is the greatest of all givers. Here at Williamson's Chapel, people can support the work of the church by giving in a variety of ways (see below). Many find that online giving meets their needs, while others prefer to place a check or cash in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Setting up a recurring gift or automatic draft is today's way of giving the first fruits which we read about so often in the scriptures. No matter how you give, please remember that you do not give to the church. Instead, you give to God through the church to help accomplish God's purposes in our world today.

Ways to Give

Single Online Gift

•  You can make a one-time online gift by clicking HERE which will redirect you to our online giving form.
•  You can also make a one-time online gift by visiting our mobile church app and utilizing the "Give" button.

Scheduled Recurring Gifts
Cash or Check Donation
IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions
Charitable Giving Programs and Gifts
Donation of Securities
Future Gifts (Wills, Estates, & Trusts)
End of Year Giving Notes

For More Information

Linda Thyne

Financial Administrator
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P: 704-664-3680